Hyperion HPS-938 speakers

Has anyone had any experience with the Hyperion HPS-938? Seem to be having a problem with them being bright in the top end, lean in the mids, and light on the base. In all the reviews I have read never any talk of these problems. I have Arcam gear and Nordost cables. Have had them for quite some time. Any thoughts??

Showing 4 responses by dracule1

I have had the Hyperions since they were first introduced in the US back in '94. I would agree tubes sound better with the 938s and Nordost would not be a good match. Get rid of the jumpers provided by the manufacturer and get good quality jumpers that are the same as your speaker wire - biwire if you can. Most silver cables sound brittle and thin to me. Copper has more body and natural timbre albeit with less ambience retrieval and imaging. Put Isonodes under the midrange/tweeter module - the best tweek I've found so far. There is an independent Hyperion users group website that you may find useful.


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Simple why they aren't selling as well. No reviews on Stereofool or Absolute Fool.

Under $1500, tube amps that do well with 938 are http://www.mcalisteraudio.com (personal experience), http://www.pacificcreek.com (second hand info), and possibly http://www.angelfire.com/biz/bizzyb

McAlister amps sound very smooth, detailed, great bass, and very good soundstaging/imaging, but build quality is DIY like and reliability might be an issue.
Looks like I made some mistakes in the links. Meant to say
http://pacificcreek.com/index.php?cPath=98 (second hand info). Third would be Tube Audio Design.

In regards to the 22 watt SET amp from McAlister, I see no problem as Hyperion have their own SET design with similar power rating. Yes, the build quality of the McAlister is less than desirable especially when you look at the innerds which look like a 2nd grader put it together. The transformer hum was a real issue when I had them eventhough Peter claimed to have fixed the problem. But the sound is very good for the money. Shipping from out of country is a pain no matter what.