Hydra vs PS Audio vs Equitech

I am looking for something to clean up the sound on my system and let the music shine through. Does anyone have any suggestions or experience between Shunyata Hydra, PS Audio, and Equitech? What are the strenths and weaknesses of each?

I will be using the units to plug in the following

Ayre V-5Xe
Arcam AV8 Pre/Pro
Arcam DV-27
Marantz MA-500 monoblocks

Showing 1 response by 711smilin

Gary Dodd from Dodd audio is now making balance power conditioners, I sold my bpt 3.5 sig plus, and bought 2 Dodds, and a power cord for the same $$$. IMHO, they are MUCH better, AND cheaper. I am also waiting for Jim Weil's latest, and greatest Sound Applications linestage.


Good Luck