Humminguru record cleaner

Almost all of my records are in NM condition, so I didn’t think I needed a record cleaner to replace my VPI 16.5. Also, my record surfaces are virtually silent.. But I was intrigued by the ultrasonic cleaners out there. So I bought one with the probability of a return. The results are amazing. This device cleans the records so well it’s like adding a new component to my system. And it’s only $500. With my already clean records I didn’t need the Degritter which is several times more expensive.

I recommend it highly.


Showing 4 responses by vinylshadow

How interesting. Doesn't Hummingbird also make an Ultrasonic stylus cleaner too? I've always wondered if those would work or possibly jeopardize the stylus due to the waves.

I have a Loricraft 4 RCM with L'Art du Son liquid.... Does a great job suctioning and cleaning. Wonder how the Hummingbird compares.

@dogberry Ahh. Thank you....So a final ultrasonic wash after your Loricraft. Interesting

Have you noticed noise after cleaning with the Loricraft? And that is eliminated after the Degritter? 

Cleaning 1 record must take about 20 minutes using both methods?


@lewm Wow. I never would have even thought that a possibility. 

Has there been any studies?

@dogberry Great. Thanks..Do you ever find static electricity built up after the 1st cleaning?