Humminguru Nova - newest ultrasonic record cleaner

It’s been years and years since I’ve started an Audiogon thread, I feel young again.

I started only buying new very high end records a few years back as the prices climbed, thanks COVID, mostly the Acoustic Sounds reissue type, since they all started getting so expensive and I could never get the used records clean enough to justify the cost of 1st pressing-type records. I tried many record cleaners, including some of the ultra sonics, and with the expception of the Degritter (which I used but did not buy) none changed the quality of the records. I have a Nitty Gritty Mini Pro 1 (which I have loved, and is great for general cleaning, but does not remove pops and crackle from old records). Well I didn’t buy the first Humminguru, just saw too many reviews that were not stellar. But when I saw their second upgraded machine announced, and it was sub $1000 I thought, “why not?"

After some research I decided to use a 2 step system. Some Humminguru owners suggested using GrooveWasher G2 and a cloth to wipe the records before using the ultrasonic cleaner, and during ultrasonic cleaning adding a few drops of the GrooveWasher concetrate. The GrooveWasher treatements theoretically made the water (distilled, but I’ve used lab grade water acquired from a a friend who is a scientist) adhere better to the record surface which makes the ultrasonic cavitation process more effective. So, sprayed the records with the G2 put the record on the MiniPro, let it spread across the record, added the water and rinsed it off. Then tossed the record into the Humminguru Nova, and….. AWESOME!!

I started with the worst records I had as far a surface noise, and was shocked. I have a 1966 original pressing of the Stones High Tides and Green Grass. The surface noise was terrible, even after many different types of cleaning; wet, anti-mold, soft bristle scrubbing, vacuum, anti-static, you name it, still noisy so I never played the record. But after this fairly simple process, the record sounds amazing. Same with a 1969 Surrealistic Pillow, The Commodores Live, a really crappy looking Bob Seger Night Moves (MOFI), and a recent MOFI Elvis Costello My Aim Is True that had bad surface noise from the day it arrived from Music Direct.

Easily the best record cleaning experience I’ve ever had.


Showing 1 response by vinylvalet

My Hummingurus (one for wash, one for rinse) have done a great job cleaning my LPs.

The Nova appears to compete with the DeGritter at 1/3 the cost.