Huh? What's going on here

To keep it short, I made some changes to my DVD viewing and listening set-up. I am still using a great stereo headphone rig, including an outboard stereo DAC. Imagine my surprise when my new DAC was showing a 48 kHz output, instead of the 96 kHz frequency that I though was the DVD standard!!

I have since been told that the digital stereo audio output on almost all DVD's is the old 16 bit 48 kHz standard of CD's and Laser Discs!!!

Huh?!! What's going on here!!!

Showing 1 response by rwwear

CD is 44.1k, DVD is 48k and is compressed. DVD can be 96k if used for stereo audio only. Laserdisc is analog and can sound awesome even though they output 44.1. DVD Audio is 96k or 192k or 48k depending on the mastering.