HUGE Spacious Surrounds - The

Hello "A" Team,

Has anyone tried the 901 direct/reflecting design as surrounds with or without a dedicated surround sub? 901's can be hung upside down by their feet and handle 450 watts.

I can extend the bottom end by adding a REL Storm II to the surrounds if required.

The reason for inquiring: My current in-ceiling Klipsch reference coaxials have allot of competition. I have a much larger center (pair of RF-7's connected in mono) and large, powered fronts. My main system has a SVS Ultra 13 with a Proceed AVP2 +6/AMP 5.

Thoughts, ideas and thanks!


Showing 4 responses by knownothing

What would you do for the higher end of the frequency spectrum? 901's have no significant sparkle, which is often an important part of surround speaker reproduction - breaking glass, birds singing, etc.
Yes, but 20kHz has a wavelength of only 0.0565 ft., and most people have a very difficult time "hearing" this frequency.

But most people who can hear at all, can "hear" 20Hz sound waves. Although they can probably "feel" sound at this low frequency as much as "hear" it.
When voicing my custom built speakers with a test disk, I notice that my hearing runs out of steam at about 15000Hz, while my speakers and sound pressure meter keep going up to at least 21500Hz.

What I can hear sounds pretty good though. :o)