HT receiver with parametric EQ


Is BK the only company that offers a parametric eq with their receivers?


I was not familiar with the AudysseyPro. I will do some research. Yes, the ability of creating a "house curve"/customizing to my taste is what I desire. Thinking having the option is good.
Why do you need the parametric? If you just want a "house curve," you can add that with the AudysseyPro option on many Audyssey-equipped units.

Was hoping a reasonable priced unit will have both. Thinking the auto eq will get you so far and then some fine tuning with the parametric eq will help out.
The Classe' SSP-800 looks to be a very sophisticated and stellar processor. Classe's belief that room equalization has a limited ability to correct problems and introduces a host of other issues is somewhat understandable.

On the other hand not including room correction as an intermediate setup before a more professionally preformed equalization and or room treatment can be preformed is IMO shortchanging the user considering the $8000 price. A change in speaker location or a simple change in room decor would require a professional house call.
Classe does on the SSP-800 prepro. Most AVRs are offering autoEQ features these days.
