How would I integrate this into my system?

Was planning to get the Halo c3 or hdp70, alas my plans need to be changed. How would I integrate an Onkyo TX-SR608 with a parasound jc2 and a21 amp? I plan on using vandy quatros and I already have an NHT powered sub for movies. The Onkyo would be for movies only. I plan to get the oppo as the dvd player.
Is there another integrated receiver that y’all would recommend? Thanks and look forward to your input.

Joe in Mobile
I spoke with someone at Parasound and he told me to use main-out from the JC-2 to sub and out to A21 the L/R.
Does the sub have multiple inputs? Run one off of HT side of it and another from the music pre, if it has 2 outputs go that route or you can run a y adaptor.
I have almost the same set up except with Pioneer Elite SC-27. However, I would like to have my sub to be active when in 2-channel mode, how do I make the connection?

I currently do the.above and works.very well. My only change is i use the tape in.

You can build an integrated combo system using the components you mention. You would first set up the 2-channel system in the traditional manner, i.e. source->pre-amp->amp->main L&R front speakers. This will give you the best possible 2-channel music playback.

You would then integrate the HT components into the existing 2-channel system by connecting your HT sources (DVD Player, sat/cable TV, VCR, etc.) in the following manner: HT source components->receiver->center channel, surround, LFE(sub).

Finally you will need to connect the L&R main speaker pre-outs from the HT receiver to either the HT bypass/processor loop of the 2-channel pre-amp. If your pre-amp does not have an HT bypass/processor loop, you can connect the L&R pre-outs from you receiver to any unused line-level inputs on the pre-amp (aux, HT, TV, etc.)

Finally, when you need to calibrate the system for HT with the 2-channel rig also in the mix. Select bypass on the 2-channel pre-amp (if it has this feature). If the pre-amp doesn't have bypass, select the input you chose for the HT L&R inputs, set the volume control on the 2-channel pre-amp to a pre-defined setting (like top dead center, 5, etc.) and run your calibration routine.

Now, anytime you want the best 2-channel sound, simple play the 2-channel rig in the traditional manner. When you want multi-channel and HT, turn on the receiver, select bypass or the appropriate input(and set the -pre-amps volume to the pre-defined setting) and play your multi-channel sources using the HT receiver's controls for volume, etc.

It's not really difficult once you have it set up, but it may sound confusing now. BTW, HT bypass/processor loop greatly simplifies things and prevents issues with the volume of the front L&R speakers. You can live without it, but remember to always set the pre-amp to the pre-defined level or you may get a big, loud and potentially costly boom from your front L&R speakers.