How will the COVID-19 pandemic affect sites like Audiogon?

One would think that with social distancing and shelter in place policies, there has never been a better time for upgrading and enjoying your audio system.   But is now the time to buy and sell?  The mass unemployment and economic distress accompanying the pandemic seems certain to undermine what is essentially a luxury market encompassing both gearheads and music lovers?  What effects on buying and selling audio gear — both short and long term — can we foresee?

Showing 9 responses by jetter

nonoise, I am a very sensitive person, but the constant liberal drivel about how F. U. our response has been doesn't sit well with me.  I am an independent, so no bias one way or the other.  A month ago no one really saw this hitting the U.S. like it did, arm chair quarterbacking is always 20 20.  Otherwise a lot of us would have deep 6'd our stock holdings. 

I worry about my wife, kids, other family and friends.
I would think if you really cared instead of investing $10s of thousands in a stereo system you would have bought life insurance instead to insure their continued well being after your gone.

Not being delivered here but are put at curbside at the grocery stores for us to pickup.
Uber, the day I was going to move my 401k the market went up 5,000 points, and I was as they say "lulled into complacency".   Am thinking tomorrow I am moving to a money market.  Still in a strong gain position, but not like before.
I have read every post that stereo5 has written over a lot of years with interest, but when I read when anyone posts " The government cares more about propping up big corporations than ordering companies to start to manufacture what is needed to fight this."  I lose faith in the author. 

Again, sorry, and I am an independent.
@simao Thanks, its a great place, you just have to be able to enjoy the winters, skiing, snowshoeing, skidooing and the like.  I am looking out the window and still have patches of snow.  I love it here.

Hey stereo5, I have been reading your posts for 15 years or more years, and I assumed a familiarity that I probably should not have, sorry man, wishing you and yours the total best.
yyzsantabarbara, my daughter received her PHD in chemistry from Univ Cal Santa Barbara.  I was a Seal and Huntington Beach guy until moving to Vermont a lot of years ago..

I actually had a more optimistic viewpoint on how all of this was going to play out.  In fact, until a few days ago I was thinking it would be gone by spring.
As for being an independent, that's kind of like saying one is a libertarian, or a green party member. It's the Swiss answer to everything: hey, I'm the neutral party here and don't really have a position so I'm the reasonable one
 Being a person who came of age in southern CA and Boston, MA in the 60's, maybe being an independent isn't the exact right handle.  But I respectfully disagree with your definition of an independent.  In my view it means I vote for whoever I think is most closely aligned with my beliefs. Most of the time it entails the scientific process of flipping a coin.