About four years ago, with the kids’ college expenses behind me, I started my journey into the higher end of our hobby, with the purchase of the NAD Masters Series components, a Velodyne sub woofer and a pair of Totem Fire monitors.
I was immediately struck by how the NAD SACD player make all my regular CDs sound better, which started me on my journey to "go digital". With that purchase, I had my eyes opened to the difference a DAC could make.
For a long time I’ve lusted after McIntosh equipment and before taking my first step in that direction, told my wife I wasn’t sure it would sound "better" than the NAD, but it would sound "different"; Wow, I was wrong about that! The DAC in my MCD500 was even better then the one in the NAD. When I upgraded to the McIntosh integrated, it just sounded more "musical" to me.
So I started my search for a dedicated external DAC and have enjoyed a PS Audio DirectStream DAC, which really improved the detail I never knew was recorded onto my CDs.
I have transitioned from the CD player, now have a music server, AC power re-generator, McIntosh separates, a pair of Focal Sopra 2 floor standing speakers and a pair of JL Audio F113V2 subs, all connect with Wireworld cabling, (most of my purchases in 2015). I’ve also ordered a Bryston headphone amp, to power the HD800’s better.
So that’s my journey, in a nutshell.
I was immediately struck by how the NAD SACD player make all my regular CDs sound better, which started me on my journey to "go digital". With that purchase, I had my eyes opened to the difference a DAC could make.
For a long time I’ve lusted after McIntosh equipment and before taking my first step in that direction, told my wife I wasn’t sure it would sound "better" than the NAD, but it would sound "different"; Wow, I was wrong about that! The DAC in my MCD500 was even better then the one in the NAD. When I upgraded to the McIntosh integrated, it just sounded more "musical" to me.
So I started my search for a dedicated external DAC and have enjoyed a PS Audio DirectStream DAC, which really improved the detail I never knew was recorded onto my CDs.
I have transitioned from the CD player, now have a music server, AC power re-generator, McIntosh separates, a pair of Focal Sopra 2 floor standing speakers and a pair of JL Audio F113V2 subs, all connect with Wireworld cabling, (most of my purchases in 2015). I’ve also ordered a Bryston headphone amp, to power the HD800’s better.
So that’s my journey, in a nutshell.