How to upgrade a nondetachable power cord?

My Conrad Johnson amplifier has a captive power cord.
I have bought a VH audio diy kit to make a new power cord. So, What do you recommend?
- Cut the original amp cable and put a female connector and then plug the new cord
- Open the amplifier and attach the new cord inside the amplifier. This would take a big hole to do it.
Please give some advice

Showing 5 responses by alanbrain

I think my CJ is way out of the warranty. ALbertporter, When you installed the iecs you made a hole in the chassis?
How did you do it to look fine?
Thanks for the advices.
My amp is a CJ MV50, and the original power cord is very simple. I think the upgrade will be worth.
Im thinking, the hole is now too dificcult and I will prefer to not harm the amp(for now). Because this new power cord will remain in the amp for some time. Then maybe I will try for the IEC.
So, the option is the female. But Do you think maybe the short original cable that goes from amp to female will reduce the overall effect of the upgrade?
or the upgrade will have his effect anyway?
Please let me know.Today I will make the upgrade.
Tomorrow I will finish the female instalation. I will tell you the results.
I understand that CJ put the captive power cord for some reason and in that time (mid 80s) it was the better option. But maybe today is not the better option to go.
Well, its been a long time. And I was inmersed in tons of job. But 2 weeks ago I did it. I put a female connector in the CJ cord. And then put my male-male Vh audio flavor 2 power cord. I have to tell you the background is dead quiet right now. I did put some heatshrink in the female and it looks good. The soundstage has become a little bigger and the highs are more present.
Thanks for all the help
I did it in a Conrad Johnson MV50.
Cable is still breaking in, Chris Venhaus from VH audio said it will take near 200 hours to get it cooked.
See you