How to test those NOS tubes

After many decades of audiophilia nervosa und some years of tube rolling, I've finally bought myself a nice WE Tube Checker to try to measure and match those critters myself. Since I'm an absolute greenhorn in this game, what are the main parameters I must look out for? How do I test for noise for example ? Is there a site, which helps newbees like me? Are there books I should be on the look out for? Could anybody tell me the basics? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Showing 1 response by liguy

When I purchased my ARC Classic 60 many moons ago I kept the bias data that ARC so graciously supplied. When it was time to retube I purchased the tubes from ARC and requested tubes with the same or as close the data on the origionals. ARC did a great job doing this and it came at a premium but all I need to do was plug them in, burn them in and I was all set. If you kept your data maybe your manufacturer will do the same.