How to tell McIntosh MC452 and MC462 difference

I am in the market to possibly by a McIntosh MC462. Other than the new MC on the heatsink, is there way to make sure I am getting a MC462 and not a 452?


Thanks Russ!


The reason I asked was not for sound quality. I asked because I heard that some unscrupulous people are selling 452s with 462 badging.

Well, the unscrupulous people would have to go to the trouble to replace the glass on the front, since the model number is right on the front below McIntosh.  

Not exactly what you were asking for but If cost (savings) is a factor, you might find a demo 452 still for a lot cheaper than a new 462. The audible difference between the 2 is negligible from all I researched. I was able to score one for a lot lesser than a new 462.