How to tame brightness

System is:

Audio refinement Complete Int
EPOS - M12
Music Hall Cd25
All Signal cables

I love the overall sound of this system, but the Epos tend to get sharp/edgy/hazy/shrill. How can I tame this issue, or does it require and upgrade?

Showing 1 response by savroof

Please don’t flame me, my first post. I actually was trying to find another post about a guy with B&W 700 series speakers tweeters being too bright. A LOT of guys were trashing B&W speakers as a whole towards him. I am in the camp that the aluminum nautilus tweeters can be too bright, BUT find the diamond tweeters AMAZING!! Fleetwood Mac is in my living room!
  As to trashing ALL B&W speakers, why would Abbey Roads Studio use them for years??? Kevlar mids being congested?? Really? Am I a B&W fanboy? Maybe. They were my entry, along with my Macintosh(NOT APPLE prod.) amp into HiFi. I LOVE my smallest made B&W 805 diamond tweeter speakers on stands. I’m in a townhome, cannot have floor mounted speakers with heavy bass, or a sub (neighbors). 
  Anyway, I found it concerning to hear so many negative comments about ALL B&W speakers. I saved A LONG time to afford this equipment. I DO BELIEVE there are better speakers made, I just spent (to my budget) a TON of money on what I have. Sure, $100-200K speakers absolutely SHOULD sound better!! But I’m really happy! So, why all the negative thoughts on B&W? Comparing them to “THE BOSE of HiFi”, in one comment?? That’s PRETTY HARSH! IMO. VERY harsh!
  I could fire back that people thinking sticking speaker cables in a freezer “to improve them” are one shy of a six pack! Or, these “grey stones, or polished river rocks, or WHATEVER they are, placed on your equipment “give a darker, tighter soundstage”. NUTS! And let’s not forget “the green marker” to color the edge of a CD. How many bought one of those markers??
  Who are these people?? I SERIOUSLY need to invent the new audiophile “pet rock”, or something, make gobs of $$, and retire! LOL!
  I LOVE a spirited debate! But I stop at trashing somebody’s HiFi equipment. (rocks and green markers excluded). It’s disrespectful. IMO.☹️
  GLAD to be here!! Hello! To everyone!! Hell, I STILL covet my still working/pristine SONY DEJ-1000 DiskMan CD player! All magnesium construction, no plastic, with an honest to god optical line-out. Pretty cool for a 21+y.o. portable CD player!! Has a neat little charging stand as well. I treasure it from my H.S. days! Surprised it still works, the blue back-lit remote works perfectly as well! Hard to find the gum-stick batteries for it though. Any of you guys have an audio treasure still working?? 
   I have no problem debating this or that. Tubes or solid-state amps, CD vs. LP, you get the idea. But I stop short saying somebody’s equipment is garbage, or, equate their speakers to “HiFi BOSE”, that’s too far. I’m repeating myself.
  Anyway, I do have another question, since this is about speakers. I’m intrigued by single cone, full frequency speakers. Never seen any in person, or heard how they sound. A speaker with just one cone, no woofer, no tweeter. Anyone have a pair of these type speakers?? Love to know how they sound, image, frequency response, etc. The ones I’ve seen are VERY expensive!! High five-almost six figures$$ a pair.  

Thank you! Glad to be here! LOVE my “BOSE HiFi” B&W 805’s!!! And my SONY DEJ-1000!

David, Tallahassee