How to stream Qobuz

My set up is pretty basic. Yamaha N803 receiver, Yamaha CD, my old Sansui SR525 I purchased in 1975 while in the service and Vandersteen model 1s. I'm presently streaming Spotify. The Yamaha has settings for all the streaming services but not Qobuz which I would like to stream. Can I still stream Qobus?  Do I have to purchase anther unit?  Thanks for any help.   Doug   P.S.  I'm still a novice and have gotten some helpful info here, I really appreciate it. 
The problem is that this particular receiver does not support Qobuz via its onboard suite of apps .
I admit it does appear to support just about everything else though although since it was first built and designed prior to Qobuz being a "thing" here in the USA might also be part of the issue.
Qobuz shows Yamaha on its Partners page:

You can check that to see if it helps and let us know what you find out.
If it does not already have the Qobuz app installed your only hope would be that an online update would add it but very unlikely imho.
The cheapest easiest way I know for you to try out Qobuz would be to buy a Google Chromecast Audio model which are about $50 used on eBay, have to buy used as Google stopped making them, go figure.
This is a simple and cheap as it gets to try it out and setup is a 2 minute job that with the Google Home app on your phone or tablet is fool proof.
It will only output up to 24/96 but that should be MORE than enough to know if it is going to be the service you want to pursue long time.

I have two of them in my house serving old integrateds from days gone by and they work spendidly.