How to STOP PayPal from consistent breaking and breaching privacy.

I’ve been using paypal to make purchases on parts mainly and the rest of business is mainly SELLING. One day I wasn’t able to purchase Sansui SR1080 turntable platter for $22 from eBay with red message to address issue with paypal.
After nearly 100 min on hold, a guy with Philippine accent as usually picks up phone and tries to ’resolve’ issue with smile asking me to provide personal information.
I advised FAST Philippino dude to SLOW DOWN and answer me what caused this problem. I learned that my previous purchases was averaging $5...6 and next purchase I tried to use $22 did not go through.
I explained that I’m NOT going to provide my personal information EVERY time I’d like to purchase goods in excess of $7 and unloaded my concerns LOUD to make CLEAR understanding and got my account back working.
If you’re doing business using paypal -- have few to several accounts linked to prepaid bank accounts only!

Showing 2 responses by whart

CZ- what you described in your original post wasn’t necessarily a data breach or invasion of privacy, but instead, probably an algorithm that got trip-wired to prevent potential fraud. Small purchase, then larger one, although I don’t see a 22 dollar purchase as something to raise an eyebrow (robotic or otherwise).
I had a similar experience with Amex with whom i have had an account forever. I used it for the first time to pay a third party food delivery service that picks up from restaurants. Shortly after that, i had a relatively large expenditure. That signaled to Amex that the card or card owner data might have been compromised, b/c apparently, a lot of data thieves will feed themselves using one of these restaurant delivery services, then go wild on bling. That behavior was caught by the Amex algorithm and essentially suspended or reigned in card activity until i finally talked to the right person in the fraud department.
The frustration for me was that it took several calls- and all to the wrong people- who assured me no issues existed with my account. It wasn’t until I got to the "right" person in the fraud department that they explained the procedure, and then removed the flag on my account.
Ostensibly, this is for our own protection. But the "safety device" can over-react or kick in even when there is no foul play afoot. Isn’t that your complaint, as well as trying to get it rectified?
Just seems to me that if you use an electronic payment method, and I'd include credit cards in that, it is part of the package. As to being a sheep, I can find other things to worry about.