How to STOP PayPal from consistent breaking and breaching privacy.

I’ve been using paypal to make purchases on parts mainly and the rest of business is mainly SELLING. One day I wasn’t able to purchase Sansui SR1080 turntable platter for $22 from eBay with red message to address issue with paypal.
After nearly 100 min on hold, a guy with Philippine accent as usually picks up phone and tries to ’resolve’ issue with smile asking me to provide personal information.
I advised FAST Philippino dude to SLOW DOWN and answer me what caused this problem. I learned that my previous purchases was averaging $5...6 and next purchase I tried to use $22 did not go through.
I explained that I’m NOT going to provide my personal information EVERY time I’d like to purchase goods in excess of $7 and unloaded my concerns LOUD to make CLEAR understanding and got my account back working.
If you’re doing business using paypal -- have few to several accounts linked to prepaid bank accounts only!

Showing 1 response by ptss

Czarivay, I’m with you completely. The recent massive privacy breaches confirm the dangers you indicate.