How to setup on turntable

I have problem on Thoren 318 MKII turntable. Somehow the sound of one channel has less sound and more humb. I opened turntable and try to see inside. I wonder that if I want to setup or install the arm, catridge or niddles. How can I start from ground up? I do not have manual to setup or any idea to do it. Can you explain how to setup? Maybe learn to setup. I use Sunfire amp and processor to setup. Any way to buy or look for manual 318 MKII.
I would give Jeff @ audible arts a call. He's a terrific guy and will help out with your setup. I don't live in San Jose anymore, but he was the only dealer that didn't throw a certain brand or upsell me.

You cartridge needs alignment, you need to adjust the Azimuth, the cantilevers perpendicular relationship to the record groove. Put a small mirror under the stylus tip and look for a perfectly straight line through the cantilever and its reflection. If there's a bend in the reflection at the mirror, the azimuth is wrong. Some tonearms are designed to allow ease of azimuth adjustment; those that aren't require you to insert tiny shims between headshell and cartridge.Azimuth alignment is vital to correct left-right channel balance, and consequently to soundstaging and imaging. Azimuth can als be checked with a dual-trace oscilloscope and a test record. With each channel feeding one inpute of the 'scope, play the test record with a pure tone.Perfect azimuth alignment will produce identical amplitudes from both 'scope channels. If any of this in not understood, save yourself a problem and take the complete turntable arm and cartridge to your local high end shop and ask for their help. Good Luck, Rob
It seems to me that, barring a defect in the turntable itself, the first thing I would check is the connections at the cartridge, ensuring their tightness and phase.
Good luck.