Weeeeell..sounds like someone is all in a bunch, and full of their decades worth of experienced self! Hoohohohooooo!
Case anyone cares, my experience in this industry has proven to me that there are people working decades now in the AV business (hands on working with the gear, even) WHO ARE NOT COMPETENT ENOUGH (They didn't really want to learn)TO PROPERLY DESIGNING, ENGINEER, AND CALIBRATE EVEN AN ENTRY LEVEL TO QUALITY MID-FI AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM, LET A LONE AN AMBITIOUS HIGH END HT SETUP!
I have personally gone in and re-engineered and calibrated entire systems, which so called "industry professionals" custom integrators and retail salesguys -some with over 20 years of trained licensed and bonded sysetem install experience and product training - WHO'S OWN SYSTEMS WERE ENGINEERED AND CALIBRATED SO POORLY, THAT YOU'DA THOUGHT A 16YR OLD KID WORKING AT BEST BUY SET IT UP! (the kids probably woulda done a better job, honestly!)
Basically, someone's experience doesn't necessarily tell the whole story! (All the world renouned double PHD physicists that were around when Einstein was living, all thought they knew it all and were special too...then Einstein basically proved that these Ivey league blow-hards actually knew very little, in reality!)
If anyone wants to know, then find out yourself. I have yet to find any two audioenthusiests, audiophiles, or system design guys who share the very same sentiments, tastes, or opinions! That's, again, why everyone has a different system, setup, and gear!
My point of view, his/her opinion, or their experience of someone elses tastes and perspectives, may or may not be mutually agreed upon positions. Gotta learn this stuff on your own, and play around really. STICK TO YOUR GUNS! LOL!