How to setup a home theater system

Hey guys,

I know most of you are experts in the field, but I wrote an article on how to setup a basic home theater system for those looking for very basic advice and a couple of hand sketched connection diagrams:

Would love some feedback..



Showing 5 responses by jjrenman

Your Bottom Line statement "If you can't enjoy music coming out of your I phones speakers, you can't enjoy them on high fidelity state of the art equipment either" is a laughably absurd statement. It's akin to saying if you can't enjoy the movie by hearing the soundtrack on the TV's built in speakers you won't enjoy them on a good surround system. And what is with all the attacks on "Audiophiles"? Yes they spend time improving there system and yes some of them do fuss with the equipment more than listen to the music but I can say the same for countless motor heads I've personally met who polish their motorcycles endlessly or are adding this or that chrome piece but never spend any real amount of time riding.

PS-After spending 15 minutes time today twiddling on my "Audiophile" system, which ended up improving the sound slightly, I got so excited that I spent hours pulling out music I had not listened to in a long time to enjoy it all over again.

PSS-I envy the people who can enjoy compressed music (read I phone) through a pair of ear buds. Would have saved me a bunch of money and time. And if ear buds is all you need than how come full size expensive headphones are such a big market these days?

PSSS-The next time someone attacks your passion for motor vehicles because they can not relate to getting all excited about the feel of the shifter you might want to remember the belittling statements in your own article.
I'm wondering if you have any idea why you have received very little response on this blog to your original question?
Not your "buddy". If I was I'd point out where you contradict yourself and I'd congratulate you on such pithy statements as "sensitive speakers are more sensitive". Also as a "buddy" I'd clue you in on several issues that are a problem when setting up a good surround system that you fail to even address. Of course if I was not so busy constantly fiddling with my system or being so unhappy I would have had more time to share my 30 years of experience with you, everything from the most basic systems all the way up to multi million dollar dedicated theater rooms. I would have been happy to share the insight I've gained after setting up hundreds of surround systems. The kind of insight that it seems you want to include in your article except every time you get close you veer off onto insulting or chastising whole groups of people.

Good luck with your article and keep the sticky side down!
To "Avgoround", I only mention my experience to show that there are many people on this site, including yourself, who have much more experience then the ten years that the OP has and who are very helpful in sharing knowledge and experience. I, as well as others, have mostly pointed to the fact that insulting the very group that he is asking for help from is non productive. I find it curious that instead of helping the OP with advise and feed back you decided to yell at me.

To sum up, why don't you use your extensive experience of saving countless people from crappy set ups to help the OP'r save countless more. If you do not, than it will be fairly safe to assume that you are nothing more than a shill that derives his so called "expertise" from deriding everyone elses knowledge, experience and training.

Good luck to both of you.