How to rip several thousand CDs to FLAC?

I have a very large CD collection of several thousand, which crashed on my back up and and NAS simultaneously.

Does anyone know of a service that can do a project like this economically, or if not, the most efficient ripping of mass CDs.


Showing 1 response by pbnaudio

Subscribe to Tidal, all your tunes are probably there anyway, plus many many more you never knew existed.

I was in the process of ripping my own extensive CD collection of several thousand but have not felt the need to continue since I signed on to Tidal which streams in CD quality. Its only $ 20 monthly about what you were quoted above per hour to re rip your own collection. When ripping you'd expect to do about 20 per hour or so, $ 1 per CD, if you have lets say 3000CD's you could buy 12Y 6M subscription for the same money it would cost you to have your CD collection re ripped.

Good Listening
