How to reduce anti-skate on Graham Phantom B44 II

I am running a Sota Saphire III and have just purchased a Graham B44 II. I have been running a Micro Acoustics 630 at its recommended tracking weight of 1.25g. The Graham seems to have way to much anti-skate even with the weight removed. Placing the stylus on a record pulls the stylus towards the outside of the record by jumping back a few grooves. And the slightest bit of dust or grit on the record causes the "locked groove" effect. Anybody know how to handle this problem?

Showing 2 responses by moonglum

Muzcal, your problem is so unusual and specific I'd recommend contacting Bob Graham directly on this issue...
Hi Muzcal,
Did you have any joy with your bias problem?
(I know Bob's a busy guy and can sometimes take a while to get round to e-mailing.)