How to protect against burglary

I just wanted to get a idea on what other audiophiles have in place to discourage intruders and protect from burglary.

Any good ideas and recommendations for security companies to use?


Showing 4 responses by nonoise

I'd think twice about posting a warning about being armed and ready to use it.
Some prosecutors has made a career by convincing a jury that you intended to kill someone and couldn't wait for the burglary to happen.

Most sane states don't allow killing someone for theft unless you're unfortunate enough to live in one of those states with a "stand your ground" law on the books. Nowadays that castle law is being taken to extremes.

Personally, I like the look of cameras and lights to deter common criminals. It's the uncommon criminal who will successfully rob you and you won't know it happened until you enter your home.

All the best,
I take your meaning but all one has to do is do a search on it and you'll see how things can go awry. I'm all for defending your home but everyone should familiarize themselves with just what the law will or won't do for you where you live.

If I'm home and somebody breaks in I'm not going to bother asking them why.
But when it comes to theft, an old article from (of all places) the NRA advised not to take deadly action as it can come around and bite you in the ass. Sanity made sense back in the day.

Attitudes have changed since then as has the leadership of the NRA but I'm in no big hurry to put someone in the ground. As far back as I can remember, experts have always recommended a dog and if you must, a shotgun.

All the best,
Max, over half the states in this country have some kind of stand your ground law that goes back as far as the late 1800s. I have no problem with that. I own guns as well. It's the abuse of that law that people use to, say, stalk a kid who is of a different race and kill fantasizing you're some kind of vigilante that I alluded to and anyone with half a brain who's current with events would know that. Even you.

All the best,
I like the Hopkins incident. Way back in the day, a friend of my sisters house was burgled. Her father happened to be an archer (see where this is going?). There was a long entry that took an L turn before opening onto the main room so her father sat in the L, night after night, knowing that most burglars come back to familiar grounds around the same time (that's why they're called 'common criminals'). Well, one night the intruder came in and when turning around to gently close the door, the father let fly an arrow right into one of the cheeks of the guys ass. His scream was said to be ungodly and he leapt a tall fence and managed to drive away with that arrow in his ass cheek.

I love telling that story.

All the best,