How to prevent visitors from touching your system

It’s amazing, no matter if it’s your friends or just anyone else walking into your listing room, what is the first thing that happens? They have to reach out and touch something. Like this is the first piece of real equipment they have ever seen. Has anyone else had this experience? What can be done to prevent this except posting signs or telling people every single time? Gets kinda frustrating.


Showing 1 response by brianh61

In early 2021 I took delivery of a pair of Fyne Audio F502SPs. I set them up wearing gloves and no human hands had touched them for over a year until one night in the dark I walked into one and had to grab it to stop it from falling. Not touched again by a human hand until a few months ago when someone was admiring the wood finish and rubbed his hand all over the top and side of one. I really could not say anything without looking like a nut job, so I cringed and wiped them down when he left.