How to polish Wilson Audio speaker

I've ordered a pair of very good conditioned WA Sophia 3 and I'll get it in next week.  May I know how to polish WA speaker?  Someone said use car soft max but someone said better to use piano wax.  Which is better?   

What about in normal period?   Just use 3M cloth or use wet cloth to wipe the speaker surface?

On the other hands, how to clean the drive?  By water? Use alcohol mixed with water? 


Showing 1 response by chayro

Dust lightly with Swiffer, then use a soft microfiber cloth and an auto detailing spray like Griot's Garage speed shine.  As stated above, clean in straight lines to avoid round swirl marks which are more visible. I believe Wilsons use automotive paint and you can find a lot of information in auto detailing videos, especially ones for dark cars.