How to keep my stack of Adcoms cool...

I have three older Adcom amps in my entertainment center (two GFA-555II's and a GFA-2535), and predictably, they generate a good bit of heat. I usually leave the door to the cabinet open, but I would like to be able to close it sometimes, as it gets in the way of my speakers, somewhat, when it is open. My thought was to install a couple of cooling fans (one sucking air in, and one blowing it out), but I am somewhat concerned about the noise. Does anyone know of any very quiet fans, or of any other tricks to keeping your amps cool?

Thanks, Tom.

Showing 1 response by wolf_garcia

An open rack is all I’ve ever used, and that obviates the open door issue. Raised a kid and neither her or her friends ever bothered my gear, and now with tube pre-amp and amp I give both a lot of space, and other than dusting things from time to time this seems to work swimmingly. I have seen an interesting thing called an Aircom S7 but you need someplace for that air to go...a back vent should do the job. The S7 claims to be quiet and self regulating and it's 49 bucks.