How to get the best sound from Apple TV or Roku?

Currently I'm running an Apple TV 2nd generation, optical out to an external DAC and then to my tube preamp. Which sounds good, but Apple and the various apps on Apple TV don't seem to be supporting this older Apple TV anymore, so it regularly crashes and won't work with the latest HBONow upgrade.

- Upgrade to current Apple TV generation 4, but has no optical out, only HDMI so how to get to DAC
- Switch to Roku, one with an optical out?
- Or ?

If you have your stereo system by your TV, most TVs will route HDMI audio out via optical to a receiver/DAC.

Or, if all you want is airplay, a microRendu is an option.
After further research, appears the problem is Apple stops updating older versions and has given up on the 2nd generation Apple TV. Only solution is to update to latest version or Roku.