how to fix the power transformer of CAL Tempest II

The power supply transformer of California Audio Labs Tempest II(Special Edition)are gone.How to fix it or where I can get to replace the transformer or anyone can make me a copy of schematic.
I am looking for the service manuals. My CAL Tempest II does not work and the guys in Italy asked me to find a service manual so that they can handle it. Can anybody help me?
REX44, I took your recomendation and got the service manual for Tempest & Tempest II (is hand wrote and missing data but enough to repair mine, after test wasn't the transformer and my unit is working now.
Mine is the Original Tempest I(single chasis).
Now I will look for adjusting bias procedure,only for the Tempest II on those manuals.
Thank's and happy Audio.
I know a guy on the Diy audio forums who owns a service manual. You can ask there if you have good skills.
This thread is old, but I got same transformer problem now.
Do you found any solution on yours?
The link below is for a former CAL authorized repair shop. They repaired my CAL Alpha a few months back. They phoned or emailed me every step of the way.
Great people!