How to find local audiophiles

I was wondering how you find others blessed (or afflicted) with the audiophile bug in your local area. If you live in a major metro area, I know there are clubs or audio stores that can make connections. I live in Lexington, Ky., and I haven't heard of a club. Surprisingly, for a city this size, not really high end audio stores specializing in two channel gear. It might be nice to exchange thoughts with like minded people face to face.


Audiogon needs to openly encourage optionally sharing contact information. 

I live in Plainfield, NJ 07062 and use private messages here to get my contact info to others, and have made several new friends from this site: J, J, S, R, D, R

I travel to 3 of their homes, they all come individually to my house or we plan related activities, visit VAS together, shop for LP's, trade links online .... We play their LPs here, mine, plug in their preamp/phono stage/cartridges, hear differences together, and share our content, favorite artists ....

One at a time during covid, I am thinking of planning a shared gathering here.


Audiogon needs to openly encourage optionally sharing contact information. 

It's their policy to filter it out in messaging, you can't share contact info.

It would be nice to know the who’s, what’s and where’s of members who all are understandably blocked so as to avoid nixing Audiogon’s percentage(s) take on sales. I know I’m in N Cal near Sacromento in 95616 land.

Most members names are not their names in “real life”. I have sleuthed out a few who have been most kind and helpful to me. Despite some typical cyber thuggery most members are kind and helpful. Very.

Some local audiophiles don’t want to be found I suspect for a host of reasons perhaps security factoring in for many? Finding local kindred spirits would sure be nice (as would be less time online) but friends and family sate above all.

It would be nice if Audiogon allowed contact information sharing. But their business is in bringing together buyers and sellers. Their revenues disappear... as does the forum... if folks simply see posting of stuff for sale and then do a deal outside of Audiogon. So, I can’t see any way they could do that and survive.

you can easily "encode" contact info in messages.

I understand the reasoning for enforcing to be the middle man in the transaction but the real purpose of such a platform should be the guarantees. And in that case, it makes no difference knowing or not knowing the other party. You would want audiogon to be the broker and pay the fees happily to have a safe transaction and a smooth process.

People from this forum hooking up to meet in person is not a threat to their profit.