How to do room acoustics correction the easy way.

I have been researching all the methods to do room acoustics correction with an existing system with a existing DAC.  What I want  is a device that connects between my stereo preamp and stereo amp that will do the work.  I want it great, but I want it simple.  I want all my sources to go through the “box”. 

Am i missing something obvious, or is that not how this stuff works?

Your feedback is greatly appreciated....

Showing 1 response by paulcreed

Everyone is right acoustic panels may be needed. I went cheap route to test waters then went to thick Dow Corning type board. Cheap way to test is go to A/C supply store and pick up a 10x4, 1 inch thick insulation duct board for $50 to see what results you get. 10x4 will give you 4 2x2 panels for behind speaker and 2 for reflection points and 2 for behind speakers and 4 6x2 panels for the corners. If you like results buy some burlap from fabric store and keep what you have. If you want to go further buy some premade panels already covered or buy some thicker Dow Corning panels and do diy.