How to deal with microphonic 300B tubes.

I have a used set of Cary CAD-300SE LX-20 mono amps, and I just love them with my Coincident Victory speakers. But I occaisionally get a weird, intense ringing microphonic from them, especially noticable when an FM announcer's voice hits just the right pitch.

I have them just sitting on my tiled floor, no attempts at vibration stands yet. I'm sure this could help a bit, but I am also thinking that tube dampening could be needed.

Any suggestions? Are there appropriate tube dampening strategies for 300B's?



Showing 1 response by ecclectique

Hi Jeff. Interesting observations regarding the sonic differences between the Kron 300bxl and the Kron 842Hvd in the Cary. I would concurr with your findings exactly. The 842 is certainly warmer, more akin to the warmth of the WE300b however I think the 300bxl is the better fit for the 805. It does wonders for tightening up the rather ripe lower registers of the 805 particularly the midbass area,not to mention the gain in fine micro resolution as well as dynamic range. Interesting though..... these same characteristics are also very evident when used as an output tube in a 300b based set amp.