How to Connect DAC's USB Port to Ethernet Cable

My DAC is a Bricasti M21. I would like to try streaming native DSD256 files using the DACs true 1-bit DSD.

Music is currently streamed using Audirvana on my android phone from a network switch using the DACs ethernet port with an ethernet cable. The DAC can only stream DSD256 files using its USB port. I’d like keep the ethernet connection to stream other file types and Qobuz. I can switch to the DACs USB port using the remote when I want to listen to DSD256 files.

The computer with the DSD256 files is downstairs and the Bricasti is upstairs. How do I add a cord from the network switch in the music room to the DACs USB port? Do I need a separate box in the music room that converts the network ethernet signal to a USB signal or can I use a USB-B to ethernet adapter?

I already contacted the manufacturer, but the person I talked with said they have never tried this before.


Showing 2 responses by mahler123

You have a DAC that costs at least $15K.  Why fool around with an adapter that probably won’t handle DSD files?

  I would add another computer or streamer to the room that has the Bricasti and play the DSD files into the USB of the DAC.  The cost will be what, $1K at most?  It’s a fraction of what you already spent on the DAC

There are some fairly small streamers out there that will handle DSD. iFi would be the first place I would look at. The OP said he doesn’t want a large box in that system-I get that- and I haven’t heard the greatest feedback about the company - but if he only needs it to play DSD files it might be worth taking a flyer, particularly if he has a return policy.

Another small footprint solution might be a MacMini. He would have to verify that a MacMini can handle DSD. Also the last time I owned one , over a decade ago, I had to attach a monitor to it, which I wall mounted to save space. However I would think that it should be possible to control with an iOS app on a portable device