how to change the tonearm cable?

I have an old Thorens TD160 with Sumiko MMT arm. I am going fully balanced for vinyl and want to change the tonearm cable to DIN-to-XLR. I am assuming this is simple to do, but I am not very technical and looking for a little info before I take the cover off the bottom of the table. Surprisingly difficult to find a simple "how-to" on this, even on the Thorens sites. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks, Jim
Sumiko MMT has a DIN plug, so just take the bottom off the table, unplug the DIN to RCA cable, and plug in the DIN to XLR cable. Replace the bottom and you're done.

Im sure Cardas or one of the other cable manufacturers makes a plug in tonearm cable for your particular arm. Spend the money and avoid the hassle or possible damage to the arm wires.
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