I never expected to come to Millercarbon's defense, but while I can't vouch for the HFTs, I can vouch for the SR Blue fuses. I replaced the fuses in a Lyngdorf TDAI 2200 and there was a noticeable improvement that I had not expected.
How to add depth for classical music
While listening to classical music, especially the orchestral pieces (e.g. Beethoven Piano/Violin Concertos, Symphonies), I find that my system is not giving me the depth, such as layers of instruments etc. My listening environment is not ideal. I have hard wood floor and tray ceiling. On one side, I have windows and on the other side, I have a long corridor.
Here's my system:
Would a new preamp/amp or integrated amp help? I've auditioned Moon (SimAudio) 340iX and thought it's more opened than my Parasound. But for some strange reason, I didn't really like the sound. Maybe I need to audition again.
Would room treatment help? But my options are limited because of my room.
Love to hear your thoughts.
Here's my system:
- Parasound P5 & A23
- Sonus Faber Venere 3.0
- Bluesound Node2i
- Chord Qutest
Would a new preamp/amp or integrated amp help? I've auditioned Moon (SimAudio) 340iX and thought it's more opened than my Parasound. But for some strange reason, I didn't really like the sound. Maybe I need to audition again.
Would room treatment help? But my options are limited because of my room.
Love to hear your thoughts.