How thick is the limit?... never heard anyone say?

I have been looking to buy very thick- 3 inch min to 4 inches thick, Amp stands for years. I am not a big "amp stands are the keys" to better sound person. I just think that thick wooden slabs look good, I have no idea why- but I guess it must be a man thing.
Clearly turntables and digital front ends benefit from mass. Amps however, I doubt benefit terribly much. Just being honest, but the amps are tubed monoblocks so the stands may cut down on the non existent microphony. Couldn't hurt ....right?? ...I hope.
I got lucky, knock on wood!, because a buddy is selling amp stands as if I custom ordered them.
My question is- Can the wood be so thick that it makes the amps sound worse?? In this case they are 3+ inch thick edge grain, audiophile finished natural Maple, block.

Showing 3 responses by tobias

I had 3-inch thick maple platforms made for my Shanling tube amps. I set them up the way Mapleshade advises, with (factory) brass spike feet into the wood above and resilient feet (Isonodes) below. What an improvement that was--bass, midrange clarity, overall resolution. I plan to have similar platforms made up for my current Audio Space monoblocks.

3 inches is a bit thicker than my best-informed pal says I need. However the difference in price is small. My supplier (Arcadia Audio) says thicker is better. They also offer 4-inch platforms but... that's a bit thick.
Krellman, thanks for asking. I actually haven't found anything I like better. My attempt at a joke, above, was meant to convey that 4 inches was a bit too much for me aesthetically. The Mapleshade site mentions even thicker ones as possible and effective, however.

I trust my supplier when he says 3 inches is better than 2, yet my personal audio guru says two is enough. I haven't done a test to find out who's right, since that would cost me a little cash. Instead my rule of thumb is, if it's two inches or more and stable, it's good enough.

As for "I had", that's in the past tense because I sold my Shanling amps to one gentleman and the platforms to another. I hope to have another pair of 3-inch platforms, sized for the new amps, in a month or so. When I get them, I'll report my impressions on my system page.
As I understand it from playing the mailing tube and the wine glass, anything will resonate, and at several frequencies from the fundamental up. The exact frequencies depend on the size and composition of the resonating object.

Musical instruments are made to take advantage of these resonances; audio racks, feet, platforms, cabinets et cetera are made to damp them out so they interfere as little as possible with the musical signal.

I suppose it's a losing battle when looked at from a distance, but the near-successes are nice enough that we keep trying.

My experience so far leads me to think that maple platforms are quite successful at damping out resonances when used in a specific way. They have to be sitting on resilient feet and the component on top of them has to be sitting on spikes which contact the wood directly. This is the setup that worked for me.