How tall do you like your images?

Just wondering, when you listen, do you like your stereo image to be at ear level, above, below, or do you like planars thanks to having a steady image no matter if you are standing or sitting?


Showing 3 responses by roxy54

I agree with @noromance , and that seems to be the perceived height of vocalists on my system.

That's an interesting question. My best friend doesn't hear my system very often, but the last time that he did, he complained that the images were too high because they were at a lifelike height. I believe the reason is that he is accustomed to hearing miniaturized images on smaller systems.


"I like, -who doesn't?- that the speakers disappear from the stage and obtain a centered and well-defined image behind them, adding several layers to separate instruments and voices."

 Yes, we all like that, but the question is about image height.

