How short should a power cable be for my amp?

I have two Parrasound amps. I'm looking to make my own cable.How short can the cable be w/o ill effect? AMB Dan M.

Showing 2 responses by lak

In my opinion the power cord for your amp can be as short as you want to make them and I don't believe it will impair the sound.
I have no doubt others will disagree however I have compared .5/M,1/M, 1.5/M and 2/M and I could not detect a difference.
There was another forum topic posted on Audiogon where people were discussing the optimal length that a power cord should be to produce the best sound. Once again I'll stick with the first comment I made on this post. BTY; I have spoken with a few major power cord manufactures and they told me power cord lengths on the short side will not impair the sound.