How serious are you?

On a scale of 1 to 10 with ten being totally obsessed, how serious are you about this hobby?  Explain please. Thanks. 


Showing 5 responses by asvjerry

Uh, @mapman ....If your Roon goes Hal on you, it's because that's only 11 min. 21 sec. a day on the average....

Obviously, we've got to get you listening to it more....for your own safety....😟

Yes, I'd assume you've 'other things' that need to be heard in your daze, but one never can assume their Roon won't go rogue on you...  

Per the Goog (Knows All; Knows You Laugh @ It Because):

Is audiophile a disorder?

The audiophilic syndrome is characterized by preoccupation with the reproduction of recorded music and other sounds in the home. The afflictee spends a high percentage of his/her income on electronic and mechanical equipment as well as recordings of the sounds themselves.

Now, while I've got you 'en garde'....

Consider this a....'vaccination'.....yeah, a 'jab'...;)

Get those hours in...

...and the booster, while you're hear....


Lost count awhile back....😜


My sincerest apologies....due to the hour of posting, and a general dismay at your potential hazard posed by a Roon Revenge Episode (now referred to as a RRE)....

I stupidly ’dropped’ a zed.

Actual time average spent is 1 hour, 47 minutes, and 38.6 seconds.

*sigh* ....but, still....simply Not Enough...your Audio Intervention Team is gearing up unless you act immediately if not sooner....

Double...nay, Triple Time may put them on Standby....for now....😎

@curiousjim is a fine example of a Solid Listen Devotee....( Yes, a 6! 👍😃)

Go Forth, Go Four+, Go For It! 🎶😍


(...done with stuff for awhile....good for the next day or so....keeping the average up by not shutting anything off....;)....)*L*

@mahler123 ....*G* A 'shallow, tongue-deep in cheek tease', basically...from one who spends too much time at a desk, but has music on demand to while it away. a Real Job, esp. since semi-retired.....average hours listening per day surpasses 4 easily, tho' 2 one day, 8 the next...

As for a 'roon attack', just playing off the 'noia of AI leaking into the devices of our days....1st, the washer, dryer, fridge, car, the flat screen, your audio, your shaver, bed, breakfast.....

*L* At 73, I'm relatively reassured that I'll miss the worst of it...maybe... ;)

Happy Monday, btb....J

@ghdprentice & ​​@mapman ...Having been ’semi-retired’ since 1/1/23 from self-employment, immediate results, other than a glacial shift in activities in my case, is just about one can expect....

Ideally, one can concentrate more on the stuff that wants to be done for home, hearth, common interests of your relationship, or just the fun b.s. you’ve put off endlessly....;) ’mike drop’, nooo....

It’s nice/annoying to get interrupted for the Greater Good.....which is still subject to ’discussions’.... *no applicable emoji*

One just has to ’roll with it’....SOS, just a different ’bun’....*L*