How Science Got Sound Wrong

I don't believe I've posted this before or if it has been posted before but I found it quite interesting despite its technical aspect. I didn't post this for a digital vs analog discussion. We've beat that horse to death several times. I play 90% vinyl. But I still can enjoy my CD's.

Showing 3 responses by asvjerry

*blink*  I trust y'all had a pleasant Thanksgiving....since there isn't any posts 11/28...*gentle needling*

Space/time, relatively speaking, they're postulating a quantum universe, where nothing is as it seems, if I've managed to get a vague handle on it....;)

Figures....If nothing makes any sense, it all starts to make sense.

Now all I have to do is to take some semblance of comfort in that. *S*
"...and with that last considered and considerable post, the thread went off into the Deep End.  Cartwheeling into undiscriminating infinity, the nattering neurons naturally negated normal notions niftily...."

Personally, I'm quite happy that 96%+/- of the universe is unaccounted for..... gives us someplace to place Blame. ;)

As in:

"Oh, fruck....look what the universe did to (me/you/us/Them/Everyone/Everything) Today...."  ;)
@geoffkait , oh, I got 'over it' quite awhile ago.  Overanalysis of all of it begat no real answers after all.

One can consider/debate/argue/laugh/whine/freakout/love it/leave it all until your head begins to hurt.  Or run out of breath or excuses.  'Go Zen', go crazy, fall into apathy, fall out, fall in...or just fall.

It doesn't change a thing....It just Is.  Live it or live with it. you inferred. ;)  Cheers...*G*