How Science Got Sound Wrong

I don't believe I've posted this before or if it has been posted before but I found it quite interesting despite its technical aspect. I didn't post this for a digital vs analog discussion. We've beat that horse to death several times. I play 90% vinyl. But I still can enjoy my CD's.

Showing 8 responses by andy2

The bass frequencies of CDs aren’t that great, either, if you ask me
I am pretty sure you've got a CDP at your home.  

It's all the high frequencies.  The better the digital gets, the better the high frequencies not getting as messed up.  Digital amp actual is pretty good with the bass, but don't let it near your tweeters.  Many people say digital CD is almost if not equal vinyl especially with hi-res digital.  Many people are making it out like digital vs. vinyl but it should be phrased within the context of where in the frequency band it messes up the most - high vs. low.  

By the way, it's hard to imagine this thread is longer than the break-in thread.  Never thought anything could be longer than break-in, no pun intended.  
We should also consider the difference between "perceived resolution" vs. "processed resolution".  For example, when we told someone we "heard things", it's our brain told us that we "heard things", but it's possible that the brain processed a lot more information but only let the "conscious mind" what the brain thinks of what is necessary.  I supposed that's what psychology categorize that as "conscious" vs. "subconscious".

There are human beings that are capable of extraordinary ability such as performing mathematical operations that only a computer could.  That means that our brain is capable of things that at least our conscious mind is not aware of.  But I am glad I don't have that ability since it would drive me crazy and of course why because I have a computer do that for me.

I've said it before that our body is like a machine.  In order to process information, or specifically to be able to localize sound, if anything for the sake of survival, the brain needs to perform "mathematics".  Just like some underwater mammals, they can possess "sonar" capability like a man-made submarines, and their brains are made up of the same stuffs as our brains.  But I am glad I don't have any "sonar" capabilities since I just want to chill out at the beach and enjoy looking at the hot chics.  Lols, that's actually a four sentence paragraph.   
There are so many "butt hurts" in this thread I myself starting to feel a bitty itchy back there.  
I think you are not wrong...I apologize and wish you a good paint drying...My best to you....
I wish I was wrong sometimes ... unfortunately the God won't let me.  I've got to be right and suffer through life and face death in the face occasionally lols.  Hey, may be there's a pill for that.  

We all know the fate of any thread when people actually argue about what is "science".  As they always say, ... yeah good luck with that.  I think I'll go watch my paint drying.  
I guess when people cannot form coherent arguments against a concept that does not coincide with their world-view, they have to attack the underlying basis of how that concept was derived. Sort of weird here, as it appears to be an attempt to use science in a very anti-science attack.
Thanks to some of the posters in here, I realize that you can argue just about anything, some actually did it for pure pleasure and hubris and self indulgence. I though "science" was a done deal, but this thread shows otherwise. Now I have to think twice before drinking water because apparently science could be wrong and I have to think if water is good for my health.

Too bad some certain types of memory cannot be erased.  Actually I haven't had enough beers to find out.  Or maybe some really expensive Hennessy - those of the very smooth operator.