How old is too old ?....

Over the last year I've been updating my system,that was long over due.
Replaced a 16 year old cd player..mission DAD 7000
Hafler 110 pre..Blue Circle 3.1
Hafler DH 500...Bryston 4B ST( currently replacing again)
Various cables,too numerous to mention.
However I still have my old speakers Kef 104.2 and continue to like the sound.
These speakers are 16 years old.
My question...has technology marched on and left me and my Kefs behind?
I will replace at some time but for now I would like to keep these.
What improvement can I expect with newer speakers..a little ..alot....WOW...
Am I upgrading in the right order?
I've been told that all the upgrades ,to date,are wasted unless I replace the speakers ..VERY SOON.
Is a true statement?

Showing 1 response by lou_3rd

Sean, Sean, Sean, why did you not tell him to replace the coils with Alpha-Core and any resistors will Mills as well as the caps with AudioCap Thetas? The speakers will be FAR more transparent and things that were a little muddy before should be very clear after these mods. Do not lower the standards and use less expensive parts, even though some Theta's can be pretty expensive. If you want better, you would have to go to teflon capacitors at about 10 times the cost of the Thetas.....
