How much?

How much do you listen to your stereo? 

Love my CJ Premier gear, Vandersteens,Sota, and fancy cabling. Invested a lot.

I listen to it about 2 hours a week. What a shame.

Maybe I need a different home with a dedicated listening room or maybe I just feel like venting.

Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

I still do important things...I just put new strings on a guitar, the motorcycle won't ride itself! And my medicare pays for the gym membership so I gotta go at least 3 times a week...I have spent a lot of time recently listening to my cables breaking in...sort of a zen thing, and they were exactly 3.7% better sounding today...this stuff takes time man...riding my "longboard" skateboard down my street without spilling my beer isn't so easy either, and may explain why my neighbors won't talk to me.
I have specific background music needs for my morning newspaper reading (classical piano works), and that changes to serious listening here and there throughout the day and night...I turn off the tube amps when my rig gets some serious time every day, which is good since my new Morrow cables still won't be broken in until late December...I'm a retired person, if really a person at all, so I can do whatever the hell I want (especially when my wife is out of town). PARTY!!!