How much should I pay for old LP12?

Im consicering going back to vinyl again but now nothing about what to buy. I have been offered and old LP 12 w Valahlla,cirkus,akito,K9 in good condition for 500$.Is this a good buy or should I buy something else for 500?Can Linn tell you the age of the player if you give them serial number?

Showing 2 responses by musicdoc

Yes, the Linn does require setup, and occasional adjustment. But there does seem to be a preponderance of "Sokdekophobia neurotica" out there. The Linn is a pretty good table, and with some commonsense mods, it becomes even lower maintenance and higher performance. To each his (or her) own of course. I'd be the last person to turn down an Oracle, Aries, or Basis - but I'm just not to the point of being dissatisfied with my LP12. And if this particular table and arm are in good shape, $500 is damn good deal. Give it a listen and decide for yourself. Happy Listening, -John
Addendum: Longplate is right about the replacement styli for the K9 not being available. If the arm and bearings are in good shape (again good advice to have them scrutinized), then just pop a 'lil Grado on the Akito and you're in business. Insofar as the Valhalla is concerned, they are known to fail this far out (15+ yrs - not a bad lifespan actually). The fault is usually the BIG caps on the board. When mine failed, I just replaced the whole shebang with an Origin Live DC motor kit, and sold the Valhalla board, motor and switch on Ebay to recoup some of the expense. The O.L. is an awesome value IMHO. But I digress. Ulf, if you do get this table and are interested in some of the other "Non Ivor approved" mods for the LP12, feel free to contact me. Cheers, -John