How much power do I really need for Totem Tribe Tower? LFD NCSE II, Sugden ANV-50 or?

Over the years I’ve had a number of Totem monitors and floor standers, as well as many others including Vandersteen 3A, Avalon Radian HC and Joseph Audio Perspective. But I now prefer smaller speakers. And I’ve owned a range of electronics, most recently Rogue M-180 monos (breat but too big and too hot) and, for a short time, a Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 (flat and lifeless - on a number of different speakers; just meh).

Earlier this year I picked up a used pair of Tribe Towers (89dB into 4 ohms), which I really, really love. They’re always musical, never fatiguing and have fantastic imaging and amazing bass in a small package. With them I’m currently running a PS Audio Directream DAC directly into PS Audio M700 monos. My room is pretty large at ~18’x20’. I’m looking to upgrade from the M700s. Budget is $4k max, used.

Totems have a reputation for really coming to life with powerful, high quality electronics. Manufacturer suggests min 50 w/ch. The M700s are fantastic for the money, easily drive the Tribe Towers and are never fatiguing. My Dad’s got a PS Audio BHK 250 amp that he’s going to be selling (and is in budget), so I gave it a try back to back with the M700s. Wow, the BHK is phenomenal, on a whole different level in every respect, not surprisingly, and a nice match for the TTs. My only misgiving is it’s BIG and HEAVY.

Dad also has a smaller secondary system with an LFD LE IV integrated (only 60 w/ch) so I tried it back to back with the M700s. The LFD is more musical, images better and has a deeper soundstage. On the downside, bass isn’t quite as deep or well controlled and it was a bit too forward, for me a no go.

Think I’d like to keep it simple and stick with a solid state or hybrid amp or integrated, preferably <10 years old. The LFD NCSE II and Sugden ANV-50 are appealing and within budget used but I’m concerned they won’t have enough juice given the size of my room. Ditto for Luxman integrateds. Also thinking about a more powerful Rogue Medusa hybrid amp, an older BAT VK-3000se hybrid integrated, Coda Csib and others.



Showing 3 responses by schotbus

Thanks for the detailed response and insight.  I have read those earlier posts about good matches for Totems but was looking to expand the field of possibilities.

I'm aware of Simaudio, Ayre and Plinius's known synergy with Totems and that lots of power is a safe bet, though I do appreciate the minimalism of the LFD. I figured the NCSE would be leaps and bounds better and it has a little more power than my Dad's LE IV but it's still short. 

The hybrid PS Audio BHK 250 is a pretty phenomal amp with plenty of juice, is a great value and there's synergy with the TTT imo.  The Simaudio 600i v1 is on the radar screen; the 700i v1 is a bit out of my range. I understand Ayre is great but the AX-5 Twenty and VX-5 Twenty are too pricey for me and the AX-7e is too old and not powerful enough. Not sure the the older V5-xe would be competitive with the BHK 250.  My impression of Plinius is they're not well represented or widely known in N America and service could be a pain.

For a powerful hybrid integrated that's well respected, it seems the Coda CSiB should be on the list.  For a little less $ the hybrid Rogue Medusa has plenty of power.

Specifically for Totems what are your thoughts on an integrated vs running the DAC direct into the amp? I know the DAC direct into an amp vs including a preamp has been tossed around a lot and it seems the majority say go with a high quality preamp.  I don't want separates and my budget isn't huge so for me it's integrated or amp.  All the switching capabilities of the Simaudio, for example, are great but I don't really need them.

I'm planning to visit Hudson Valley Hifi in NY.

They carry Totem and a number of brands I'm interested in including Rogue, Simaudio and Luxman.  Will report back...

Thanks for all the useful advice.

After a lot of additional research I concluded a powerful hybrid integrated was the way to go.  About 9 months ago I took the plunge on a BAT VK-3000SE for $2700 and haven't looked back.  VERY pleased with the performance, value and synergy with the Tribe Towers.

Imaging and bass depth and control are great; highs are a little sweet and never fatiguing; soundstage depth is very good. And upgrading the power cable took it up a notch.  Probably will try upgrading the fuses later this year.