How Much Has CD Technology Improved in 14 Years?

As a "born again audiophile" I recently purchased an ARC VSi55, a pair of JM Labs Micro Utopia Be's and am awaiting the arrival of a new JA Michell Orbe SE and Tecnoarm.

Years ago, I purchased an inexpensive CD player to utilize with my previously existing system (Quad 57's with presently blown bass panal--no room in present home hence Utopia Micro's, Oracle Delphi, Audio Innovations integrated amp). At that time, I was listening almost exclusively to vinyl and had no interest in investing in a mid/high end CD player. The only reason my CD collection has grown over the past decade is because my previous system has been inoperable and the only medium available to me has been CD.

My question is what improvements have been made over time in the various parts of the CD player (DAC, optical reader, transport etc.) when comparing a moderately priced modern player of around $500.00 with my old clunker a JVC XL-V182? I would like to get the most out of my CD's and would like to get an idea of how much an improvement I can expect by replacing my old player. Also do I use digital cables for the interconnects?


Showing 1 response by tomcy6

CD technology has definitely improved since '93. However, the change may not be significant to you. Does your old player cause listener fatigue? Many newer players are a lot easier on the ears.

You will have to borrow or buy a newer player to see how it sounds in your system. Some people would go on at length about the differences between 2 different players in a given system, while someone else would say they pretty much sound the same.

I would suggest trying a Marantz SA 8001. You can find one for somewhere between $500 to $800. IMHO you would probably hear an improvement over your old player.