How much gear do you own?

Do you have multiples of amps, preamps, speakers, cables, etc?

I do, and am starting to realize it's leaning hard toward a sickness rather than a passionate hobby.  Either that, or I'm getting up in age and tired of all the "stuff" I've acquired taking up so much space.

I went through a phase about ten years ago where I got tired of stereo gear and dumped most of it.  I really regretted it after a few years and acquired most (and then much more) back.

But this time it feels different somehow.  And I really think it has to do with my age...pushing 60.

Others go through this?



Showing 3 responses by asvjerry

...but ultimately, you will part with All of it....we all get to.

Keep a running list of what you've got worth the trouble to provide a resale estimate for your former family.

At least you can finance your own wake....;)


'Bots don't know dead


Enough for the time being....*s*

Entering a 'paring phase' to eliminate any potential 'loops 'n goofs'.

Growth is many things. ;)

" 'Botsylvania, the high point of this TekTour. has been the Nascent Node....."

*Guide'bot's voice trails off....*

@thecarpathian ...well, not quite 'vampires', per se...

They tend to inoculate anyone that stumbles into their 'hive', waking up in front of a screen or two keyboarding into the night....pallid from a lack of daylight and ethos....and Esoterica, wherever That is.... ;)

'Bot's Gnu Witch U. 
(For high level programming only....)