The obvious assertion in this thread (so far) is that ''any'' phono-
pre has just two amplifications , say, 40 dB for the MM and + 56
for the MC kinds. But I own two phono-pres (Basis Exclusiive) and
Klyne 3.5 with 4 amplification stages for the MC 's. The lowest
possible are recommended for the given cart. The reason being
''the higher the amplification the higher distortions''. So , say, 70
dB is recommended for low output cartridges. Before I become
member of this (analog) forum I deed not think to need more than
just one single cart. But because I also become member of the
so called MM thread I collected more than 60 carts, 40 among
them of the MC kind. I never bought any high output MC cart but
my collection ''range'' from 0.05 mV (MC 2000) till 0,45 mV
(Sony XL 88). So, I assume, the contributors to this thread own
just one LOMC (grin).