How much gain is needed in a Phono Preamp for a 0.2 to 0.3mv low output moving coil?

I have been out of audio for 25 years and am now getting back into getting a system. I have looked at Manley Chinook, Ear 834p, and Audio research 5, 6, 7 Phono preamps, after reading thru many or post on Audiogon. All have about 57db gain to 60 bd gain. I have been looking at getting either a Dynavector 10x5, Benz micro Silver, Ortofon Quintet Black, or a used Benz Ruby Z (if I can find the money). Is 57db enough gain for the cartridges. I would also welcome feedback on the Phono Preamp. I am leaning toward the ARC PH7 or Manley. Either would be around the same price. I would prefer to stay with tubes. The turntable is a VPI Prime. Any help or opinion would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by mattmiller

I have a Dynavector 10X5 on a REGA P3 with the Manley Chinook Phono Pre,  45db is more than adequate for the 10X5! (this is my goto backup rig) I also have a Pro-Ject Xtension 10 with a Dynavector 20X2 Low .3mv and 60db is plenty for that cartridge as well. I use the Manley for both and switch cables around (when needed). I love both these setups, very satisfied.

Matt M