Battery powered ZYX CPP-1 headamp (pre-preamp) designed for 0,24mV MC cartridges and compete with the finest suts ever made according to Arthur Salvator’s info. It has additional 26db step-up ratio for your MM input to drive LOMC cartridges. This is a very special device! ZYX own input resistors made of cryo purified chrystal copper wire (they use the same in material for their mc coil). The resistor is made by winding the wire to a coil that has no inductance in a special process. No noice and no infuctance at all. With this device all you need for LOMC is just MM stage.
So in addition to regular MM stage +26db with headamp for 0,24 mV MC is enough.
I owm Zyx CPP-1 and never had probs with LOMC.
So in addition to regular MM stage +26db with headamp for 0,24 mV MC is enough.
I owm Zyx CPP-1 and never had probs with LOMC.