How much for two 20A lines?

My electrician is coming tomorrow to size up the job to run 2 20A lines on 10 gauge Romex from the service panel to my equipment rack.

For those of you who have done it, what did it cost?
I asked for an estimate over the phone, and got: "I don't want to tell you 400.00 and have it cost 600.00..."

Showing 1 response by jmcgrogan2

Slipknot1, I live on the Philly side of the Delaware. I just talked to an electrician today (who I happen to work with). He's going to schedule some time to come over my house and run 2 dedicated lines. I bought 2 PS Audio Power Ports, he can get the 10 gauge Romex. I don't expect mine to cost much, because my outlets are only about 5 feet from the breaker box. I was wondering though, I've heard people recommend getting the grounds isolated as well. I don't know what this means, but I'll ask him when he comes over. Does anyone here know what that means? Should the lines each have it's own isolated ground? He's very busy, but he said he should have it done by Thanksgiving. I'll let you know what it cost then.
